
[问答] 【海外招聘】美国德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心麦戈文 ...

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色色家族→趴 发表于 2023-3-9 12:35:50 | 显示全部楼层 打印 上一主题 下一主题
【海外招聘】美国德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心麦戈文 ... 第1张图片
德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心(休斯顿)(University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)成立于1972年,由牙科分校、生物医学研究所、医学院、公共卫生学院、护理学院、健康资讯科学学院、哈里斯郡精神中心和布朗基础学院分子医学中心合并而成,主要目的是预防人类疾病。
德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心(休斯顿)通过全面的教育来寻求这一目标的实现。学院为广大学生提供了专科、本科、硕士、博士课程,满足了学生们不同的需要。开设的课程有口腔卫生、公共健康、科学、护理科学、护理科学—注册护士、一般牙医术的高等教育、口腔外科、医疗术、护理练习和护理哲学博士专业、生物医学、临研究。德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心(休斯顿)非常鼓励和支持学生进行跨学科研究,如理科硕士与公共健康硕士相配合、医学博士与哲学博士相配合、护理学硕士与公共健康硕士相配合等 。
Job description
Postdoctoral Fellow Positions in Houston, Texas, USA (noncoding RNAs and Chromatin Organization)
Two fully supported postdoc positions are immediately avAIlable in the lab of Dr. Wenbo Li (and throughout the next 12 months) in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Texas McGovern Medical School, Houston, Texas, USA. This position will focus on the biochemistry and functions of enhancer RNAs and other chromatin RNAs in mammalian gene regulation and diseases (particularly breast cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease).
Research Summary: Our lab studies RNA-mediated gene regulation and 3D chromatin organization. As a member of the NIH 4D nucleome (4DN) program (https://commonfund.nih.gov/4dnucleome), we aim to decipher the functions of noncoding DNA and RNA elements in the human genome in gene transcriptional control, with a goal to improve human disease intervention. We utilize biochemical methods and omics approaches (e.g., ChIP-seq, MINT-Seq, PRO-seq, Hi-C, CLIP-seq etc.), as well as (epi)genome editing tools and screening (CRISPR/Cas9/dCas9/Cas13). Candidates are encouraged to read the publications of Dr. Li’s lab (Nature, 2013; Nature Review Genetics, 2016; Nature Communications, 2019; RNA Biology, 2020). Some recent papers (Oh et al., 2021, Nature; Xiong et al., 2021, Cell Research; Lee et al., Mol Cell, 2021; Choi et al., Nature Cell Biology, 2022; Zhu et al., Cell Reports, 2022; Wang et al., BioRxiv, 2022).  A complete list of Dr. Li’s publication can be found in PubMed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/1Jip8J4DFUsQe/bibliography/public/; or Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=cBKgsuAAAAAJ
About the current position: These positions are funded by NIH R01 grants. We are looking for motivated postdocs with an enthusiasm to uncover fundamental biology mechanisms of gene transcriptional control, particularly the roles of RNAs on chromatin. An important direction is that how RNAs contribute to chromatin condensates and impact gene transcription or other nuclear activities. Excellent communication skills and a solid knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry, gene transcriptional regulation and epigenetics are required, preferably in one of the areas of noncoding RNAs and epigenetics.  We also want to link these biological mechanisms to disease-associated RNAs, particularly those altered in breast cancer, and in human Alzheimer’s disease.
Our lab provides ample opportunities for collaboration within the Texas Medical Center in Houston, the largest Medical Center in the world. As a member of the NIH 4D nucleome (4DN) program, postdocs in our lab have opportunities to attend 4DN consortium group meetings, will be exposed to world frontiers of 3D genome research. These opportunities will be beneficial for the candidates’ research career. Competitive salary and benefits will be provided. In terms of location, Houston is a rapidly growing city with a vibrant culture.
About you: The candidates are expected to be: 1) highly motivated; 2) have a recent PhD, or MD/PhD degree, with first-author publications; 3) have extensive experiences in molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics or cell biology; experience in epigenomics assays such as ChIP-seq is a plus but not required. Expertise in either wet or dry lab areas are welcome.
To apply: Contact Dr. Li at Wenbo.li@uth.tmc.edu, with an email title of “Postdoc your name_degree granting institution and year”. For example: “Postdoc Jason Smith_UTexas_2022”. Please be prepared to provide: 1) your detailed CV, 2) a brief description of your short term and long-term goals, scientific background and interests (in 2 pages); and 3) the contact information for two to three referees who can provide a recommendation letter.  You are welcome to inquire via email if you have questions.

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