
[装修分享] 【双语热点】人工智能让家居生活更加轻松

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hjchhhhh 发表于 2020-5-6 03:33:53 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
【1】After a long and busy day at school or work, all we want to do is return to a clean and comfortable home. Smart technology can turn any home into a nicer place to live. You can now turn your thermostat (恒温器) up, lock your doors and play your music with a simple voice command.

【2】In fact, smart homes have actually been around for some time. Scottish company Pico Electronics invented a communication protocol (协议) called X10 back in 1975. With radio waves, this protocol allowed users to communicate with various devices (设备) in their homes, such as lights and alarms, according to AVSytemsMag, a magazine dedicated to the AV and automation (自动化) industry.

【3】Of course, 4G – and now 5G – wireless technology makes smart homes much more sophisticated (复杂的) and powerful than X10 devices. Perhaps the most widespread smart home technology is the voice-activated (声控的) assistant. Google Home and Amazon’s Alexa allow users to interact (互动) with nearly any device in their homes simply by speaking a few words. This is especially convenient for children and people with physical disabilities, as they can accomplish tasks that would normally be too complicated or difficult, according to How-To Geek magazine.

【4】Common household appliances can become “smart” as well. For example, a smart trash bin can monitor the things you’ve thrown away and place an online order for replacement items, while smart refrigerators can create dinner recipes based on the ingredients that were kept inside, according to HowStuffWorks website. 5G-powered sensors (传感器) and cameras can monitor almost every aspect of household life.

【5】The appeal of all of this convenience has pAId off for realtors (房地产经纪人), who are seeing sales of smart homes skyrocket (猛增). You can ask Dave Garland, a realtor with Second Century Ventures.

【6】“There’s a new narrative (表述) when it comes to what ‘home’ means,” he said in an NPR report. “It means a personalized environment where technology responds to your every need.”

【7】But it’s not just about convenience. Smart homes are also good for the environment. By monitoring your energy use and automatically turning off lights and other devices that you’re not using, smartphones can lower how much electricity you use overall. Using less energy means that we use fewer resources such as coal and gas, which is ultimately (最终) good for the environment – and our wallets.

(选自Reader’s Digest)

1. What was a smart home probably like in 1975?

A. Users could talk to a voice-activated assistant.

B. Users could have different kinds of smart devices.

C. Users could set alarms with wireless technology.

D. Users could control lights with radio waves.

2. What do Paragraphs 3-4 mainly talk about?

A. The development of wireless technology.

B. The reasons why people love smart homes.

C. The advantages that smart homes can have.

D. The differences between smart homes and ordinary homes.

3. How do smart homes help the environment?

A. They don’t need as much land as ordinary homes do.

B. Smart devices can help reduce our energy use.

C. Many smart devices can work without using electricity.

D. Some smart devices can produce new energy while in use.



实际上,智能家居已经存在了一段时间。专注于杂志的AVSytemsMag称,苏格兰公司Pico Electronics早在1975年就发明了一种称为X10的通信协议。通过无线电波,该协议允许用户与家中的各种设备进行通信,例如灯光和警报。到视听和自动化行业。

当然,4G无线技术使智能家居比X10设备更加复杂和强大。也许最普及的智能家居技术是声控助手。谷歌主页和亚马逊的Alexa的允许用户通过简单地说了几句话进行交互,在自己的家几乎任何设备。《 How-To Geek》杂志称,这对于儿童和肢体残障人士特别方便,因为他们可以完成通常过于复杂或困难的任务。


所有这些便利的吸引力已经给房地产经纪人带来了回报,房地产经纪人看到智能家居的销售猛增。可以向Second Century Ventures的房地产经纪人Dave Garland咨询。






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