
[问答] 敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约)

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敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第1张图片



敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第2张图片

中央公园 Central Park | 古然摄影 Ryan's Photography | 2020 | 纽约 New York, USA.
“我总在最深的绝望里,遇见美丽的惊喜。”— ⼏⽶《希望井》

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第3张图片

在《敏捷于右岸》展览中会呈现我的电影短片作品《若天是海》。创作这部短片的初衷源于想通过“观看”的⽅式,来探讨: 与恐惧,我们有没有⼀个⽐较好的和解相处的⽅法。⽣活中总是有很多“课题”等待我们学习,恐惧中也蕴含着让我们变强⼤的⼒量。看不见的世界并非真的不可见。
“天地间有许多景象是要闭了眼才看得⻅的,譬如梦。”— 钱钟书《窗》

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第4张图片

《若天是海》古然和主演以及拍摄团队 | When Sky Was Sea – Ryan Tian with his cast and crew

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第5张图片

《若天是海》-古然工作照 | Working photo-photo of Ryan directing on set

让我们相约 在故事影像⾥见。
03.2020 写于纽约

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第6张图片

中央公园 Central Park | 古然摄影 Ryan’s Photography | 2020 | 纽约 New York, USA.
This new year begins with a tough start, which is testing each of us. We are not as individual as what we thought to be.
No matter where we live, we are in one.

Similar to creating a piece of work, the beginning is always the tough part. Reflecting on all the recent news flow, I find how little and vulnerable our human being is.

However, somehow, it hits me with a strong mission to use visual language to convey the power of storytelling to achieve something with which we can fight agAInst all the fear and anxiety we are facing and bring back our inner peace.

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第7张图片

Botany Bay | 古然延时摄影 Ryan's photography | 2018 | 肯特 Kent, UK.
“ I always, in the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful surprise”— Jimmy

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第8张图片

《若天是海》片段高清图 | Photo from When Sky Was Sea
In the exhibition The Swiftness of Feeling and Thinking will show my short film When Sky Was Sea, it gives me a great chance to premiere it in Beijing, China. The initial motivation to create this story came from the drive of exploring how to get along with fear in peace via the way of seeing. There are always so many things for us to learn in life. Fear, which is something we don’t like,still stores grand power. I believe what is not visible is not invisible.

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第9张图片

《若天是海》-古然工作照 | Working photo-photo of Ryan directing on set

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第10张图片

《若天是海》-古然工作照 | Working photo-photo of Ryan directing on set
“There are many things that can be seen only with the eyes closed. Dreams,for instance.”— Qian Zhongshu
It was incredible to make this short film. The whole journey, from generating the idea, writing the script, shot design, shooting to post-production, was the best outcome from so many people’s hard work. As the director, I feel very proud of my cast and crew. Leading the whole team through the mist and dark purely to achieve a vision, in which you have a belief is grand happiness and blessing you can have.

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第11张图片

《若天是海》幕后花絮 | Photo of behind the scenes

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第12张图片

《若天是海》幕后花絮 | Photo of behind the scenes
I can’t say enough thanks to all the people who support and encourage me all the way and all the time, truly. Filmmaking is not artwork by one person. It’s always about you and me.
Life is as hard as ever. Keep faith.See you all on the screen.
Peace& Love
古然 | Ryan Tian

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第13张图片

2015-2018 伦敦艺术大学传媒学院,电影电视专业学士学位。

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第14张图片

《若天是海》片段高清图 | Photo from When Sky Was Sea



  • 第52届休斯顿国际电影节Gold Remi获得者
  • 2018年好莱坞国际电影节最佳短片学生奖;
  • 2018年欧洲电影摄影奖最佳学生导演奖;
  • 2018年Festigious国际电影短片节最佳学生奖;
  • 2018年洛杉矶电影节荣誉学生奖;
  • 2018年纽约电影节最佳影片奖
  • 入围2018年国际Changing Face电影节最佳学生奖;
  • 巴黎2018电影节官方评选最佳学生短片奖。


  • 月评电影节四月最佳剪辑奖;
  • Feel The Real国际电影节最佳剪辑奖。

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第15张图片

《若天是海》片段高清图 | Photo from When Sky Was Sea

London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. BA (Hons) Film and Television.
Awards And Recognition

Short Film: When Sky Was Sea
As Director and Original story creator.
He won the following awards in 2018-2019:

  • Gold Remi Winner, 52nd Annual Worldfest-Houston International Film Festival 2019.
  • Winner, Best Drama Student Short - Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival 2018;
  • Winner, Best Student Director, Best Student Film - European Cinematography Awards 2018;
  • Winner, Best Student Short - Festigious International Film Festival 2018;
  • Winner, Honorable Mention: Student Film - Los Angeles Film Awards 2018;
  • Winner, Best Drama-New York Film Awards 2018;
  • Finalist, Best Student Short - Changing Face International Film Festival 2018;
  • Official Selection, Best Student Short - Around Film Festival(ARFF International) -Paris Monthly 2018 edition.
Short Film:For Want of A NailAs award-winning Editor.
He won the following awards in 2018:

  • Winner, Editor of the Month (April) - The Monthly Film Festival;
  • Winner, Best Editor - Feel The Reel International Film Festival.

BACA Art Centre | Nook GalleryBACA 艺术中心|旮旯空间

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第16张图片

BACA 艺术中心|旮旯空间是北京艺术界一位令人充满期待的新成员,坐落于京城二环以里,毗邻雍和宫。作为一个独特地推广国际新锐艺术家的平台,BACA 艺术中心|旮旯空间是集艺术展览、现场表演和电影放映为一体的实验性场域。与此同时,BACA 艺术中心|旮旯空间在全英文教学环境下,开设了与艺术设计产业相关适合各年龄段的艺术工作坊和短期课程。

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第17张图片

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第18张图片

BACA艺术商店 | BACA Art Store
BACA Art Centre | Nook Gallery is a new addition to the Beijing art scene, and is located within the second ring road of Beijing, near Yonghe Temple. The Centre is a unique platform to promote emerging contemporary artists, as well as being an experimental space for exhibition, performance and film. BACA Art Centre | Nook Gallery also holds art workshops and short courses, taught in English by Art and Design professionals and suitable for all ages.
https://u.wechat.com/MLa_ALcTHM--BUdm6A3S_A4 (二维码自动识别)

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第19张图片

敏捷于右岸 | 古然 | 探索· 影像语⾔(纽约) 第20张图片

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