
[问答] Viewers flock to watch glowing lava ooze from Hawaii ...

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子虚乌有 发表于 2022-12-4 22:26:52 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Friday, December 2, 2022 - 01:00
HAWAII: The world’s largest volcano oozed rivers of glowing lava Wednesday, drawing thousands of awestruck viewers who jammed a Hawaii highway that could soon be covered by the flow.
Mauna Loa awoke from its 38-year slumber Sunday, causing volcanic ash and debris to drift down from the sky. A main highway linking towns on the east and west coasts of the Big Island became an impromptu viewing point, with thousands of cars jamming the highway near Volcanoes National Park.
Anne Andersen left her overnight shift as a nurse to see the spectacle Wednesday, afraid that the road would soon be closed.
安妮·安德森(Anne Andersen)周三辞去了护士的夜班,去看这场演出,她担心道路很快就会关闭。
“It’s Mother Nature showing us her face,” she said, as the volcano belched gas on the horizon. “It’s pretty exciting.”
Gordon Brown, a visitor from Loomis, California, could see the bright orange lava from the bedroom of his rental house. So he headed out for a close-up view with his wife.
来自加利福尼亚州卢米斯的游客戈登·布朗(Gordon Brown)可以从出租屋卧室看到明亮的橙色熔岩。于是,他和妻子一起去看了一个近镜头。
“We just wanted … to come see this as close as we could get. And it is so bright, it just blows my mind,” Brown said. Ken Hon, scientist in charge at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, said at current flow rate, the soonest the lava would get to the road is two days, but it will likely take longer.
布朗说:“我们只是想……尽可能近距离地看这张照片。它太亮了,让我很震惊。”。夏威夷火山观测站的负责科学家Ken Hon表示,以目前的流速,熔岩最快到达公路需要两天,但可能需要更长的时间。
“As the lava flow spreads out, it will probably interfere with its own progress,” Hon said.
Kathryn Tarananda, 66, of Waimea set two alarms to make sure she didn’t oversleep and miss her chance to see sunrise against the backdrop of eruptions at Mauna Loa.
66岁的凯瑟琳·塔拉南达(Kathryn Tarananda)来自威美亚,她设置了两个警报,以确保自己没有睡过头,错过了在莫纳罗亚火山爆发的背景下看到日出的机会。
Mauna Loa last erupted in 1984. The current eruption is its 34th since written record keeping began in 1843. Its smaller neighbor, Kilauea, has been erupting since September 2021, so visitors to the national park were treated to the rare sight of two simultaneous eruptive events: the glow from Kilauea’s lava lake and lava from a Mauna Loa fissure.
莫纳罗亚火山上次喷发是在1984年。此次喷发是自1843年开始书面记录以来的第34次喷发。其较小的邻居基拉韦厄火山自2021 9月以来一直在喷发,因此,国家公园的游客可以看到两次同时喷发的罕见景象:基拉韦埃火山熔岩湖的辉光和莫纳罗阿火山裂缝的熔岩。
Abel Brown, a visitor from Las Vegas, was impressed by the natural forces on display. He planned to take a close-up helicopter tour later in the day — but not too close.
“There’s a lot of fear and trepidation if you get really close to it,” Brown said. “The closer you get, the more powerful it is and the more scary it is.”

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