
[问答] 华盛顿大学一年学费?

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Z_某脑残 发表于 2020-6-17 10:42:42 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
华盛顿大学 (University of Washington)创建于1861年,坐落在美国最适宜居住和工作的城市西雅图,是美国西海岸最古老的大学,是一所世界顶尖的著名大学,长期保持世界大学财政支出和研究经费前三位。华盛顿大学拥有世界最顶尖的教师队伍,拥有29,804名教职员工,包括5803名教师,师生比例为 1:7.3 ,其中众多教授为所在学术领域的世界领导者。华盛顿大学的医学、生命科学、计算机科学、教育学、公共关系和社会工作领先世界。华…

下一篇:如何看待华盛顿雕像被喷上"Slave Owner!"(奴隶主)?

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@Xizi_tocUd172 发表于 2020-6-17 10:42:54 | 只看该作者
本州生一个quarter 4000多美元,国际生11800 美元。这是18学分的钱,也就是说你不上满18学分也要交这么多,超过18分额外交钱,最多修22分。一年一般修三个quarter,autumn Q(9-12)winter Q(1-3)spring Q(3-6)有些人留下来读summer,summer分两期,第一期六月末到七月末,第二期七月末到八月末,可以自行选择。summer没有选课数量要求,直接按学分交钱。价钱就是4000/18 一学分。
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万能通 发表于 2020-6-17 10:43:08 | 只看该作者

4)绿卡或其他合法签证。(如H or L)


办公室通过你的材料申请后,会把你的状态划分为resident, 这样你以后付学费就是按这个交了。

Residency Contact Information
Office phone: (206) 543-5932
Office fax: (206) 221-4423
Email: resquest@uw.edu


Individuals must provide documentation showing they meet the following guidelines to establish WA domicile:
    Live in the state for at least 12 consecutive months as legal residents.
    A legal resident must relinquish all valid legal ties with their former state/country of residence and establish such ties in Washington in accordance with state and local legislation. Establish Washington State legal ties:
      Driver’s License/State ID: One must obtain a Washington State Driver’s Licensewithin 30 days of arrival if they have a valid out-of-state driver’s license, including international driver’s license. If an individual does not drive or possess a driver’s license from any state or country, s/he should obtain a Washington State Identification Card within 30 days of arrival. Vehicle Registration:Individuals who own or operates a vehicle in Washington must have their vehicle registered in Washingtonwithin 30 days of arrival. Voter Registration: Individuals who have previously registered to vote in their former state of residence must register to vote in Washington. If one does not register to vote in Washington, this means s/he may still vote absentee in the prior state of residency.
      Permanent Resident Card holders or any other status with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) are exempt from registering to vote. Establish a bank account in Washington: Existing bank accounts prior to arriving in Washington is sufficient as long as one’s name and Washington address is associated with the account and documented. Lease/home agreement

Students who are establishing bona fide domicile independently must complete the following requirements in additionto the guidelines listed above:
    Be financially independent for the current and prior calendar years. Students who are 25 years of age or younger must provide their parents’ most recent tax returns.
    Students must prove conclusively that they have not come to Washington State primarily for educational purposes. Students who are enrolled for 7 credits or more per quarter are required to be employed at a non-student position, working at least 30 hours per week.
Examples of other factors that may help students establish proof of domicile include: disposition of property in the former state of residence, relocation of household members, participation in local community organizations, and generally becoming involved in activities that will help prove their intent to make Washington their official place of residence.
All domicile must be established one year immediately prior to the first day of the quarter of application. Once the individual is in full compliance with all of Washington State’s requirements for residency, then s/he, as of that final date of compliance, has established domicile and is eligible to apply for residency. It is the student’s responsibility to request a change in residency status once all requirements have been met.

For more specific information on bona fide domicile, please reference the Residency FAQs.
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依旧shuang 发表于 2020-6-17 10:43:48 | 只看该作者
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