
[问答] 去美国麻省理工学院就读是怎样一种体验?

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tuber99 发表于 2020-11-26 19:03:01 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
去美国麻省理工学院就读是怎样一种体验? 第1张图片 麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)校园

麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,缩写:MIT)是美国一所综合性私立大学,有「世界理工大学之最」的美名。位于美国马萨诸塞州的剑桥市,查尔斯河(Charles River)将其与波士顿的后湾区(Back Bay)隔开。今天的麻省理工学院无论是在美国还是全世界都有非常重要的影响力,培养了众多对世界产生重大影响的人士,是全球高科技和高等研究的先驱领导大学,也是世界理工科菁英的所在地。麻省理工是当今世界上最富盛名的理工科大学,《纽约时报》笔下「全美最有声望的学校」。 至2011年,先后有77位诺贝尔奖得主和45位罗德奖学金得主曾在麻省理工学院学习或工作。经过麻省理工学院几代人坚持不懈地努力奋斗,时至今日,但凡有人提起“世界理工大学之最”,人人皆推麻省理工学院。其名蜚声海外,成为世界各地莘莘学子心嚮神往,趋之若鹜的科学圣殿。麻省理工学院的自然及工程科学在世界上享有盛誉,其管理学、经济学、哲学、政治学、语言学也同样优秀。另外,麻省理工研发高科技武器和美国最高机密的林肯实验室、领先世界一流的电脑科学及人工智能实验室、世界尖端的媒体实验室、和培养了许多全球顶尖首席执行官斯隆管理学院也都是麻省理工赫赫有名宝贵资产。 在2011年全球资讯网的裡,科技宠儿摇篮的麻省理工以压倒性的胜利排名世界第一。泰晤士报专上教育增刊的世界大学排名,麻省理工学院在总平均排名世界第二(仅次于哈佛大学),在科学技术方面排名世界第一,在工程科学方面排名世界第一,在自然科学方面排名世界第二,在社会科学方面排名世界第七。美国国家研究协会把麻省理工学院在美国大学的知名度排第一。美国在2006把麻省理工学院誉为全美最难进的大学。至2011年,麻省理工学院已连续十九年在美国大学理工学院排名夺冠。麻省理工学院在2006年《华盛顿月刊》里对美国最有服务及贡献的大学排第一。请看麻省理工学院排名。 以统计资料来分析,要申请上麻省理工学院的大学部比研究所难两三倍。2011年共有17,909 世界顶尖的高中生申请(包括3,930名美国以外的学生)麻省理工学院大学部的1050名额(录取率创麻省理工学院历年来最新低)。麻省理工学院2008-2009学年的学杂费是$49,100美元。2008-2009麻省理工学院学生平均领到的奖学金为$33,950美元。麻省理工学院在2008年底有101亿美元的总资产。因为麻省理工学院很有钱,家庭年收入低于$75000美元的学生一律免学费,所以麻省理工学院经常被喻为世界上最有钱也最慷慨的大学。

去美国麻省理工学院就读是怎样一种体验? 第2张图片 麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)排名

MIT is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a city of about 100,000 people near Boston. Cambridge is known as liberal—its City Hall issued the first legal applications for same-sex marriage licenses—as well as racially and economically diverse. As with nearby Boston, Cambridge has a lot of college students, and there’s always something for them to do.
Cambridge is composed of several squares, each with its own dynamic. Kendall Square has lots of offices and a renowned biotech industry; Central Square features ethnic restaurants; Harvard Square is home to (drum roll!) Harvard University; Porter Square has a strip mall; Inman Square offers nightlife, restaurants, boutiques and a park; and Lechmere Square has a large, interior shopping mall.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology sits on 168 acres in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and runs along the Charles River Basin. It’s divided in half by Massachusetts Avenue, which separates the dorms and student life buildings (to the west) from the academic buildings (to the east). MIT’s campus reflects its students’ and faculty’s techie mindset—it’s designed for efficiency, not style, with an “infinite corridor” that allows students to move between classes without going outdoors.
The university’s technical bent shows in its naming system, too. In addition to a name (which not all buildings have), every building has a numerical designation. Though students call dorms by name, they usually refer to academic and office buildings by number.
MIT recently built a number of new buildings, including Simmons Hall, a dorm; the Zesiger Sports and Fitness Center; the Ray and Maria Stata Center for Computer, Information, and Intelligence Sciences; and a BrAIn and Cognitive Sciences Complex. The student center isn’t actually in the center of campus, but lies along the southwestern edge.
MIT’s architecture is considered progressive, though inconsistent, ranging from post-war modern architecture to contemporary “starchitecture.”

MIT guarantees on-campus housing for all undergraduates. Unlike at many schools, where dorms are assigned, MIT students select their dorm and floor upon arrival. There’s also a substantial Greek and co-op scene—many students live in their fraternity and sorority houses or in independent living groups, called FSILGs.
Dorms at MIT are divided between East and West Campus: the dorms to the east are generally more creative and artistic, while those on the west side of campus tend to be where the ‘typical’ college student would live.
There seems to be greater variation in type among the West Campus dorms. McCormick which is an all-girls dorm tends to be very strict and uptight, while Baker is where the majority of the students that really like to party live or go. Burton Conner, Next House, and Simmons all contain mixed group of people. MacGregor is reserved for those people that really want to have some alone time while at MIT. New House is the most diverse dorm on campus and home to the Cultural Houses.
East Campus dorms tend to have more freedom than West Campus dorms. In some dorms, students can paint their walls and decorate their rooms. East Campus students have even been known to build roller coasters and other contraptions in the middle of the yard. Apart from the amount of freedom that is available to one who lives in East Campus, it’s also more convenient.

MIT’s student athletics program, the largest in the US, includes 41 varsity teams. They compete in the NCAA’s Division III, the New England Women’s and Men’s Athletic Conference, the New England Football Conference and, for crew, the NCAA’s Division I and Eastern Association of Rowing Colleges (EARC).
MIT’s teams, the Engineers, feature the school’s beaver mascot (it’s “nature’s engineer”).
MIT’s pistol, track and field, swimming and diving, cross country, crew, fencing and water polo teams have been particularly successful. But, as Asha Martin ’10 reports, “athletics are not a huge part of life at MIT. However, the team with the largest fan base is probably the men's basketball team.”


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