
[财经] 戴文德:撬动市场力量,支持公平转型

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cabe815 发表于 2021-9-11 16:10:25 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Speech by Devanand Ramiah


Deputy Resident Representative, United Nations Development Programme in China


At SusallWave Establishment Launching Event


ChAIrman Ma, Mr. He Jie,


Distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen, good afternoon!


It is my pleasure to join today’s launch event and my apologies for not being able to attend in person due to the COVID situation.

我很高兴 受邀参与今天的成立仪式,虽然很遗憾出于疫情防控的考虑,不能亲临现场。

During my time in China, I have been impressed by China’s dynamic sustainable finance ecosystemthat hasnurtured such diverse and innovative group of market players. Today I am honored to witness the launch of another young and promising institute under the leadership of Chairman Ma, which is a testimony to the dynamic nature of this ecosystem.


The timing for this launch is ripe.


On the one hand the world is amidst a turbulent time and is experiencing a triple crisis – the pandemic, climate change and environmental degradation. On the other, we need bold solutions that can use the crisis as an opportunity to fix the structural challenges that we face.

一方面,世界正处于动荡不安的时代,并且正经历着三重危机 – 新冠疫情、气候变化和环境恶化。从另一方面来说,我们更加需要大胆的解决方案,即把这些危机看作是解决我们所面临结构性挑战的机遇。

In this regard SusallWave holds promise. Consisting of an influential group of high-powered advisors, and focusing on use of digital technologies like Blockchain and AI, combined with analytics to inform investment decisions, platforms like Susallwave has the potential toempower sustainable development.


My heartfelt Congratulations to you today!


I have 3 key messages where I see the intersections that entities like Susallwave can bring value addition to sustainable finance:


First, we need to unlock significantly higher levels of finance for sustainable development, which in turn should contribute to green and resilient recovery.


Governments alone cannot provide the investments required to achieve the SDGs, which requires private capital and companies to play a major part alongside public funds. Despite growing sustainability commitments by companies and investors, the rhetoric has not translated into sufficient action.


Since 2015, developed countries have failed to meet the annual 100 billion USD commitment promised under the Paris Agreement. The world’s 60 biggest banks have poured more than USD 3.8 trillion into the fossil fuels industry from 2016 to 2020. These two data points show the gap between the rhetoric and the reality.


The business case for sustainable investment is clear. SDGs offers the private sector opportunities to access markets and institutional investment which are currently untapped.


By 2030, SDG-generated growth could reach USD 12 trillion. Climate-focused business could also create 213 million jobs and reduce CO2 emissions by 4 billion tons.


In this regard, entities like SusallWave can play a key role in informing market intelligence that unlocks capital and investment for SDG-centered business activities.


Second, in leveraging private capital, SDG impact must be the compass to assess the benefits and trade-offs.


Typically, enterprises and investors focus more on how environmental, social and governance factors can affect the financial valuation of their business or investments rather than on how the activities of their businesses or investments impact social and environmental outcomes.


Too often, the SDGs are used as just another reporting lens to communicate existing activities differently, rather than to make different decisions and choices.


To bridge this gap, private sector needs a systemic shift from seeing the SDGs as an add-on, to how the business itself gets done.


The next frontier of sustainable finance must require companies to make SDGs alignment the fundamental governance approach of organizations - to guide business strategies, investment decisions, and overall management.


To reach this goal, the market needs robust intermediates that provide, frontier information, analytics as well as intelligent management algorithms and transparent data platforms. SusallWave’s mandate speaks to this need and fill this world.


Third, sustainable finance must also focus on just transition. This entails promoting green industries and the transitioning of carbon-intensive ones, rather than simply blacklisting “brown” companies.


To channel sufficient capital to carbon intensive sectors to facilitate the transition, clear standards, key performance indicators (KPI) and sustainability performance targets (SPT) are critical.

为了将资金充分导向到推动碳排放密集型行业的低碳转型过程中去,清晰的标准、关键绩效指标(KPIs)和可持续绩效目标 (SPT) 至关重要。

To avoid “sustainability” or “impact” washing, which is very common, KPIs must be relevant for a company’s future development strategy and SPTs must be ambitious and different from business-as-usual scenario.


Third-party service providers are therefore key advisors on customized target setting and impact assessment a role that SusallWave can contribute towards.


In closing I want to reiterate.


As the UN Secretary General has said: “We are truly at a crossroads, with consequential choices before us.” Alternative futures are indeed possible. The extraordinary disruption of Covid is an opportunity for transformation towards the kind of world defined by the SDGs and the Paris Agreement.


The markets should extend this objective to all asset classes and investment decisions and incorporate it into the full spectrum of investment solutions.


By working together and through innovative solutions such as SusallWave’s platform, I believe we are taking the right steps towards a greener, more sustainable future.


Friends, I want to once again wish you all the best and also congratulate you on the launch of this platform. And I look forward to checking your progress and seeing you in person soon.


Thank you very much!



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