
[问答] 外国人退休后想在华继续生活?教你提前规划

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五至五十 发表于 2022-7-6 12:45:48 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Do foreigners want to continue to live in China after retirement? Teach you to plan ahead

For the protection of foreigners living in China after retirement, foreigners need to plan and apply in advance to avoid being unable to apply for relevant certificates due to age restrictions or policy changes! Let's have a look
Buy social security in China so that you can get a pension after retirement
How do foreigners enjoy social security benefits?
Foreigners need to hold a work residence permit or a Chinese green card to purchase social security.
The Interim Measures for foreigners employed in China to participate in social insurance, which have been deliberated and adopted at the 67th ministerial meeting of the Ministry of human resources and social security and approved by the State Council, are hereby promulgated and shall enter into force as of October 15, 2011.
Foreigners participating in social insurance in China who meet the conditions shall enjoy social insurance benefits according to law. Taking endowment insurance as an example, foreign employees who have accumulated contributions for more than 15 years and reached the legal retirement age in China (men over 60 and women over 55) can provide for the elderly in China and receive a basic pension on a monthly basis
Qualified Chinese expatriates who have participated in the endowment insurance for urban employees and retAIned the endowment insurance relationship and personal account before going abroad can continue the old and new endowment insurance relationship after returning home for employment and re participating in the basic endowment insurance.
Apply for work residence permit in advance, and you can enjoy talent subsidy if you meet the conditions
For supporting foreign high-end talents to work in China, more and more cities have introduced incentive policies, such as talent subsidies. Work permit + work residence permit is one of the necessary materials for application.
We should know the relevant talent policies in advance and make application planning to avoid being unable to apply for relevant subsidies due to missing application time and missing application materials.

外国人退休后想在华继续生活?教你提前规划 第1张图片
Apply for residence permit in advance to avoid exceeding the age limit
For foreign high-end talents who want to live in China conveniently, it is essential to apply for residence permit
For example, the purchase of social security, children's enrollment and other issues of great concern need a residence permit as one of the materials for handling. If foreign high-end talents want to live conveniently in China after retirement, they should arrange for a residence permit in advance.
Foreigners working in China must apply for work permits and residence certificates, and the work permits of foreigners are divided into categories A, B and C; Class a foreign high-end talents have no age limit. The upper age limit of class B professionals is generally no more than 60 years old.
Class a foreign high-end talents refer to scientists, leading talents in science and technology, international entrepreneurs, special talents, etc. who meet the "high-end shortage" and market demand orientation and the needs of China's economic and social development, as well as the standards of foreign high-end talents with points. Foreign high-end talents are not limited by age and work experience.
However, if you do not meet the conditions for class a temporarily, you should apply for class B work permit and work residence as soon as possible to avoid being unable to apply for work residence permit because you are over the legal age.

外国人退休后想在华继续生活?教你提前规划 第2张图片
Planning green card application
Without worries in China after retirement
After foreigners retire, the Chinese green card can be used as the identity document of foreigners, which makes it convenient for foreigners to live in China, and there is no need to re apply for a visa to avoid being unable to re apply for a visa to come to China due to age restrictions and other reasons.
However, there are many application materials for China's green card, and the application for China's green card should also be planned in advance.
Green card for employment requires more than four years of continuous holding of work and residence permit
Application conditions:
1. 在中国担任副总经理、副厂长等职务以上或者具有副教授、副研究员等副高级职称以上以及享受同等待遇满四年,四年内在中国居留累计不少于三年,且纳税记录良好;
1. Having served as deputy general manager, deputy factory director or above in China, or having associate senior titles such as associate professor and associate researcher, and enjoying the same treatment for four years, having resided in China for not less than three years in total within four years, and having a good tax record;
2. 申请在中国永久居留的外国人应当遵守中国法律,身体健康,无犯罪记录;
2. Foreigners applying for permanent residence in China shall abide by Chinese laws, be healthy and have no criminal record;
3. 为以上所述人员的外籍配偶、未满18周岁的外籍未婚子女。
3. Foreign spouses and unmarried foreign children under the age of 18 of the above-mentioned persons.

外国人退休后想在华继续生活?教你提前规划 第3张图片
Relatives need to live in China for more than 5 years
Application conditions:
1. Applicants must be over 60 years old
2. No immediate family members abroad
3. Living in Huaju for more than 9 consecutive months every year
4. Proof of relationship with domestic relatives
5. Proof of financial source of the trustee or proof of financial guarantee of the trustee
6. Foreign Chinese shall provide relevant materials for nationality confirmation
For the clustering of husband and wife groups, the overseas marriage certificate needs to be certified
Application conditions:
1. 申请在中国永久居留的外国人应当遵守中国法律,身体健康,无犯罪记录;
2. 为具有常住户籍的中国公民或者在中国获得永久居留资格的外国人的配偶;
1. Foreigners applying for permanent residence in China shall abide by Chinese laws, be healthy and have no criminal record;
2. China's spouse who has permanent registered residence or who has permanent residency in China.
3. The marriage relationship has lasted for five years;
4. Have resided in China for five consecutive years after marriage, and have resided in China for no less than nine months each year;
5. Have stable living security and shelter.



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