
[问答] Washington 华盛顿州

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柚子阿呢 发表于 2022-5-20 23:02:07 | 只看该作者 打印 上一主题 下一主题
Washington is named for George Washington, the first president of the United States. Did you know that it is the only state in the nation named for a president?
华盛顿州以美国第一任总统乔治·华盛顿的名字命名。 你知道它是全国唯一以总统命名的州吗?
Mount Rainier is Washington¡¯s highest peak at 14,410 feet (4,392 meters). This volcano has not erupted in 2,000 years. Native Americans knew it by another name, Tahoma. Washington¡¯s Cascade Range has several volcanic mountains. These beautiful, snowcapped peaks provide places to ski, hike, and enjoy nature. But everyone knows that these peaks can also erupt, just as Mount Saint Helens did.
雷尼尔山是华盛顿最高峰,海拔 14,410 英尺(4,392 米)。 这座火山已经有 2000 年没有喷发过。 美洲原住民知道它的另一个名字,塔霍马。 华盛顿的喀斯喀特山脉有几座火山山脉。 这些美丽的白雪皑皑的山峰为滑雪、远足和享受大自然提供了场所。 但谁都知道,这些山峰也是可以爆发的,就像圣海伦山一样。
On May 18, 1980, a huge cloud of ash and debris rose above the Cascade Mountains in southwestern Washington. Mount Saint Helens, a volcano asleep since 1857, had just erupted. The winds carried ash for hundreds of miles and turned daytime skies dark. By the time the skies had cleared, 57 people had died in this disaster.
1980 年 5 月 18 日,华盛顿西南部的喀斯喀特山脉上空升起了巨大的火山灰和碎片云。 圣海伦火山是一座自 1857 年就休眠的火山,刚刚喷发了。 狂风将火山灰吹向数百英里,使白天的天空变得黑暗。 到天晴时,已有 57 人在这场灾难中丧生。
At the Mount Saint Helens National Volcanic Monument, you can view the destruction caused by this spectacular eruption. Hiking trails, a movie, and exhibits tell the volcano¡¯s explosive story.
在圣海伦斯山国家火山纪念碑,你可以看到这次壮观的喷发造成的破坏。 远足小径、电影和展览讲述了火山爆发的故事。
Washington is nicknamed the Evergreen State because of the dense evergreen forests that cover much of the western part of the state. Douglas fir and ponderosa pine cover the slopes of the Cascade Range. The Olympic Peninsula also has towering evergreen forests. Logging was one of Washington¡¯s first industries. Many lumber and pulp mills still operate in the state.
华盛顿被昵称为常绿之州,因为茂密的常绿森林覆盖了该州西部的大部分地区。 花旗松和黄松覆盖了喀斯喀特山脉的山坡。 奥林匹克半岛还拥有高耸的常绿森林。 伐木业是华盛顿最早的产业之一。 许多木材和纸浆厂仍在该州运营。
The Cascades form the dividing line between western Washington and eastern Washington. Rains frequently drench western Washington, while the eastern half of the state is a fairly dry prairie. Farmers raise wheat, barley, and other crops in eastern Washington. They also graze cattle.
喀斯喀特山脉形成了华盛顿西部和华盛顿东部的分界线。 华盛顿西部经常下雨,而该州的东半部则是相当干燥的大草原。 农民在华盛顿东部种植小麦、大麦和其他作物。 他们还放牛。
Apples are the leading crop in Washington. Washington leads all other states in apple production. It produces more than half of all apples eaten fresh in the United States.
苹果是华盛顿的主要农作物。 华盛顿州在苹果生产方面领先所有其他州。 它生产了美国所有新鲜食用的苹果的一半以上。
Washington became part of the United States in 1846, after the United States and Great Britain settled the location of Canada¡¯s border. But Washington attracted few settlers before the arrival of railroads in the 1880s. On November 11, 1889, Washington became the 42nd state to enter the Union. The capital is Olympia.
1846年,美国和英国确定了加拿大边界的位置后,华盛顿成为美国的一部分。 但在 1880 年代铁路建成之前,华盛顿几乎没有吸引到定居者。  1889 年 11 月 11 日,华盛顿成为第 42 个加入联邦的州。 首都是奥林匹亚。
Seattle is the largest city in Washington and an important port. It lies on Puget Sound, an arm of the Pacific Ocean. You can tour Seattle by boat. You can get a good view of the city from the top of its best-known landmark, the Space Needle. The Space Needle was built for a World¡¯s Fair held in Seattle in 1962.
西雅图是华盛顿最大的城市,也是重要的港口。 它位于普吉特海湾,太平洋的一部分。 你可以乘船游览西雅图。 你可以从其最著名的地标太空针塔的顶部欣赏城市的美景。 太空针塔是为 1962 年在西雅图举办的世界博览会而建造的。
Every summer, Seattle hosts a festival called SEAFAIR.
Seattle was named in honor of Chief Sealth. He was the leader of the Native American tribes who befriended the American settlers who founded the city in 1851. Seattle began as a logging town. The city grew quickly after gold was discovered in Alaska in 1896. Thousands of miners went to Seattle where they could take boats to Alaska. Seattle merchants sold goods to the miners.
西雅图的名字是为了纪念Chief Sealth。 他是美洲原住民部落的领袖,他们与 1851 年建立这座城市的美国定居者成为了朋友。西雅图最初是一个伐木小镇。  1896 年在阿拉斯加发现黄金后,这座城市迅速发展起来。成千上万的矿工前往西雅图,在那里他们可以乘船前往阿拉斯加。 西雅图商人向矿工出售货物。
Puget Sound connects with the Pacific Ocean and extends about 80 miles (130 kilometers) into Washington. Puget Sound is deep enough to enable large ships to reach the ports of Seattle and Tacoma. The U.S. Navy uses Puget Sound as a base for ships and submarines.
普吉特海湾与太平洋相连,向华盛顿延伸约 80 英里(130 公里)。 普吉特海湾的深度足以让大型船只抵达西雅图和塔科马港口。 美国海军使用普吉特海湾作为舰船和潜艇的基地。
The San Juan Islands lie at the entrance to Puget Sound. They are a popular vacation spot. You can look for whales here from May to September. You¡¯ll encounter seabirds as well and maybe even seals on a whale-watching cruise in the islands.
圣胡安群岛位于普吉特海湾的入口处。 他们是一个受欢迎的度假胜地。 从 5 月到 9 月,你可以在这里寻找鲸鱼。 在岛上的观鲸游船中,你还会遇到海鸟,甚至可能遇到海豹。
On the Olympic Peninsula, you can visit the Olympic National Park and see a rain forest. The Hoh Rain Forest gets 12 to 14 feet (about 4 meters) of rain every year. In the rain forest you¡¯ll find huge trees that grow as high as 300 feet (90 meters). You¡¯ll also see many unusual plants and lots of moss. Elk and deer live in the forest. The Olympic National Park also has a rocky seacoast and jagged mountains capped by glaciers.
在奥林匹克半岛上,你可以参观奥林匹克国家公园,看到一片热带雨林。 可可雨林每年的降雨量为 12 到 14 英尺(约 4 米)。 在雨林中,你会发现可生长到 300 英尺(90 米)高的大树。 你还会看到许多不寻常的植物和许多苔藓。 麋鹿和鹿住在森林里。 奥林匹克国家公园还拥有多岩石的海岸和被冰川覆盖的锯齿状山脉。
Before white settlement, several Native American groups controlled the coastal areas of the Olympic Peninsula. They harvested shellfish and salmon from the sea. The surrounding forests provided a rich hunting ground.
在白人定居之前,几个美洲原住民群体控制了奥林匹克半岛的沿海地区。 他们从海里捕捞贝类和鲑鱼。 周围的森林提供了丰富的狩猎场。
The Columbia River is one of Washington¡¯s most important natural features. This river flows for 1,240 miles (2,000 kilometers) through western North America. The Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia provides hydroelectric power for a vast area of the Northwest. Water from the Columbia also irrigates farmland east of the Cascades.
哥伦比亚河是华盛顿最重要的自然景观之一。 这条河流流经北美西部,全长 1,240 英里(2,000 公里)。 哥伦比亚的大古力水坝为西北部的广大地区提供水力发电。 来自哥伦比亚的水也灌溉着喀斯喀特山脉以东的农田。
The river has long been important for humans. Native Americans caught salmon along the Columbia. In 1805, the Lewis and Clark expedition floated down the Columbia to reach the Pacific Ocean.
长期以来,这条河对人类很重要。 美洲原住民在哥伦比亚河沿岸捕捞鲑鱼。  1805 年,刘易斯和克拉克探险队沿着哥伦比亚河漂流到达太平洋。
How does a river help build airplanes? Aluminum is used to build jets and airplanes. It takes a lot of electricity to make aluminum. The dams on the Columbia provided cheap electricity. The Boeing Company used aluminum produced in Washington to make fighter planes and bombers at factories in the state during World War II (1939-1945). Boeing later became the world¡¯s largest aircraft manufacturer. You can see many historic aircraft at Boeing¡¯s Museum of Flight in Seattle.
河流如何帮助制造飞机? 铝用于制造喷气式飞机。 制造铝需要大量电力。 哥伦比亚河上的水坝提供廉价电力。 二战期间(1939-1945 年),波音公司使用华盛顿生产的铝在该州的工厂制造战斗机和轰炸机。 波音后来成为世界上最大的飞机制造商。 你可以在西雅图的波音飞行博物馆看到许多历史悠久的飞机。

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